Sunday 5 September 2010

Andrew Goodwin’s Theory

Andrew Goodwin has identified a number of key features which distinguish the music video as a form:

There is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, with the visuals illustrating,amplifying or contradicting the lyrics.There is a relationship between the music and the visuals, with the visuals illustrating,
amplifying or contradicting the music.Genres are complex and diverse in terms of music video style and iconography. Record companies will demand a lot of close-ups of the main artist or vocalist. Voyeurism is present in many music videos, especially in the treatment of females, but also in terms of systems of looking. Some examples are screens within screens,cameras, mirrors, etc. There are likely to be inter textual references, either to other music videos or to films and TV texts, these provide further gratification and pleasure for the viewers/fans.

This theory was presented in his book Dancing in The Distraction Factory.

 Doing some research on Andrew Goodwin i found this presentation on slide share outlining his theory in detail and making it easy to understand! 

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